Growth Partnership
Growth Partnership’s Summer Intern Program helps prepare Ashtabula County resident high school juniors and seniors for the workplace by offering real-world paid work experience in many different companies. The internships are awarded after a thorough competitive application process and
in-person interview experiences.
For more information contact Georgia Klemencic:
Click on the Application to get started.
Company Interested in a Summer Intern Program
Business Sponsor Commitment and Participation are vital to the quality and success of the intern’s total experience and to the employer’s value.
For more information contact Georgia Klemencic:
Click on the Application to get started.
Home School Addendum
Home school Students interested in
Applying Please
Click on the Guidelines For Home Educated Students below:
Company interested in a Mentorship Program
Growth Partnership for Ashtabula County and the Ashtabula County Educational Service Center co-sponsor the Ashtabula County Schools Mentorship Program – an opportunity that allows local high school juniors and seniors the ability to “try on” a career they believe they may want to pursue after high school. More than a shadowing experience, the mentorship program is a 30-50 hour commitment between student and mentor and in many instances, offers a “hands-on” learning experience as well as a chance to discuss education paths and other valuable conversations with individuals who have pursued like career paths.
For more information, contact: Cindy Rabe, Manager-Business Services, at
or by calling 440-576-9126
Mentorship Program
Growth Partnership for Ashtabula County and the Ashtabula County Educational Service Center co-sponsor the Ashtabula County Schools Mentorship Program – an opportunity which allows local high school juniors and seniors the ability to “try on” a career they believe they may want to pursue after high school. More than a shadowing experience, the mentorship program is a 30-50 hour commitment between student and mentor, and in many instances offers “hands on” learning experience as well as a chance to discuss education paths and other valuable conversations with individuals who have pursued like career paths.
For more information contact: Cindy Rabe, Manager-Business Services, at
or by calling 440-576-9126