Business & Market Research
Infrastructure, Financing, Guidance, & More
The Business Resource Network (BRN) is a regional initiative focused on business retention and expansion, with special attention to meeting the workforce needs of local employers.
The Ashtabula County BRN is the existing business outreach initiative by the Growth Partnership and the Ashtabula County Commissioners. Through the project, we reach out to 100 to 120 local employers each year with detailed interviews to understand and respond to their business retention and expansion needs and opportunities.
Needs identified during the interviews are responded to by a host of local and regional economic development, workforce development, technological innovation, and entrepreneurial assistance resource organizations.
Funding from the BRN comes from the Ashtabula County Job and Family Services Department/Ashtabula County Commissioners.
The primary information shared through the Ashtabula County Business Resource Network includes:
Workforce Assistance Resources
Ashtabula County Career and Technical Campus (A-tech)
Industrial Maintenance Training Program
Ashtabula County Jobs and Family Services
Kent State University, Ashtabula
Infiniti Resources (Staffing Services)
Workforce Investment Area 19 (Ashtabula-Geauga-Portage Counties)
MAGNET Workforce and Talent Services
Ashtabula County Dashboard and Development Partners
The Growth Partnership has developed a website to provide economic data and detailed information on local development partners, known as the Ashtabula County Dashboard.
A dashboard is a tool providing useful factual information about economic and community development trends in Ashtabula County, and the contributions of private and public economic and community development organizations working to strengthen Ashtabula County as a place to live, work, and play. Click on the title of any of the six-section titles, such as "Economy" to access dashboard data and analysis.

Start-up and Business Growth Services
Growth Partnership is working with its local and regional partners on a new Entrepreneurial Business Growth Initiative to jumpstart the growth of new startups and accelerate the growth of existing smaller companies in Ashtabula County.
Jumpstart Inc. is helping us assess the county's entrepreneurial growth needs, opportunities, and resources.
Partners include:
Ashtabula County Commissioners
Ashtabula County 503 Corporation
Ashtabula County Port Authority
Small Business Capital Corp. of Ohio
Kent State University, Ashtabula
SBDC/Youngstown State University
Cooperative Extension Service, AshCo
Jumpstart Inc. (Regional partner)
Business Succession Planning Assistance
Does your business have a succession plan? It can make all the difference in the world in terms of your business survival and growth!
Access and Connections
Take advantage of our contacts and connections in Ashtabula County and Northeast Ohio. We know the people who can help you achieve your business expansion, relocation, or start-up goal. We know bankers, realtors, engineers, venture capitalists, elected officials, local government service providers, educators, workforce developers, and many other people who can lend a hand on your business development project.