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About Us

   About Us

Growth Partnership of Ashtabula County

  • Growth Partnership was formed in 1990 by Ashtabula County's leading business CEOs and civic leaders to promote and assist business and job growth across the county. Over the years, Growth Partnership has made many valuable contributions to the county's economic base by helping local companies to grow and expand and attracting new employers to the county. The organization continues to play this role today.


  • Growth Partnership is Ashtabula County's lead economic development organization. It is also a catalyst for improving the quality of life in local communities, and it is an advocate for economic and community development within the county. 


  • Growth Partnership has rebuilt itself to meet Ashtabula County's economic and community challenges and opportunities. The organization is building upon what has worked in the past and has added new programs and strategies to give shape to Ashtabula County's economic future. It is an exciting time for the organization, its leadership, its investors, and its members.​

Our Action Plan


Grow the next generation of companies in the county that create good jobs for county residents.

Build a skilled and talent-based workforce to fuel local business growth and expansion.

Help the county compete for and attract funding to strengthen local infrastructure, education, workforce development, and other vital development resources.

Revitalize local communities and strengthen their quality of life.

Our Staff

Our Staff

Cindy Rabe

Manager of Business Services


Cindy has worked in economic development for over 17 years. She has worked on a wide range of business retention, expansion and recruitment projects, and community development initiatives. She joined GP in 1999. She resides in Jefferson in Ashtabula County.

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Greg Myers, MS, EDFP

Executive Director


Greg has worked in economic development for over 20 years. having run his own economic development and corporate site selection firm, MB3 Consulting, since 2010. Before that he was a partner at Silverlode Consulting and worked for Ernst & Young and the City of Cleveland Economic Development Department.

Meet the Growth Partnership Staff


The Growth Partnership for Ashtabula County currently has 2 highly experienced, full time employees. Greg and Cindy are both very dedicated to growth in the county and work steadily to insure that the Growth Partnership is an inclusive, engaged, collaborative, and performance-based strategic development organization.


​Executive Committee


James Mayer, President

Huffman Mayer Wealth Management Group


Laura Jones, Vice President

Ashtabula County Airport Authority


Scott Becker, Immediate Past President

Chromaflo Technologies


Michelle McClure, Secretary

Key Bank


Craig Parker, Treasurer

Northeast Ohio Box


Michael Habowski

ACMC Healthcare System


Richard Jackson

Ashta Chemicals


Andy Juhola

Molded Fiber Glass Companies


Michelle McClure

Key Bank


John Palo

​Robert S. Morrison Foundation


Kathryn Whittington

Ashtabula County Commissioner


Jim Timonere 

Ashtabula City Manager


Doug Starkey

Geneva City Manager

Growth Partnership Leadership


Growth Partnership for Ashtabula County is governed by an 11-member Executive Committee. These individuals are elected by the organization's trustees (Ashtabula County business and organizations). Currently, there are 65 trustees that provide funding to support Growth Partnership's operations and initiatives.


Five committees were developed to guide and manage specific aspects of Growth Partnership's operations.


Trustee Working Committees

  • Finance

  • Membership

  • Communications & Marketing

  • Government Affairs

  • Best of the County


Our Leadership
Platinum Members ($10,000)
ACMC and Glenbeigh Hospital

Ashtabula County Commissioners




Gold Members ($5,000-$9,999)

A. Louis Supply Co

Aqua Ohio

Arthur Louis Steel Co

Ashtabula County Builders Association

ASHTA Chemicals, Inc


Chromaflo Technologies

City of Ashtabula

City of Conneaut

City of Geneva

Delta Railroad Construction, Inc

Elite Employment Center

FirstEnergy Corp

Frenchs' Concrete

Grand River Rubber & Plastics Co

Greater Ashtabula Chamber

Huffman-Mayer Wealth Mgmt Grp

Huntington Bank

Infinity Resources, Inc

Iten Industries


Kister Construction Co

Kent State University at Ashtabula

Lake City Plating

Geneva Lodge and Conference Center

NEO Fund

Northeast Box Co

Northeast Ohio Regional Airport


Praxair, Inc.

Robert. S. Morrison Foundation

Saybrook Investment Corp

Skoda Minotti

Spire Institute

The Andover Bank

The Composites Group

Thomas J Dillon

UH: Conneaut and Geneva Medical Centers

Union Industrial Contractors

Village of Orwell

Worthington Cylinders


​​Silver Members ($2,500-$4,999)

Dominion Energy

Gazette Newspapers/Great Lakes Printing

Harpersfield-Geneva JEDDS I and II

HAVE, Inc.

Hughes-Roller Building Company

JCI Contractors, Inc.

Northwest Charitable Foundation

State Farm Insurance Agency


Bronze Members ($1,000-$2,499)

AC&J Rilroad

Conneaut Port Authority

Erie Bank

Gabriel Performance Products

IEN Insurance Exchange

Joseph Misinec

Lantern of Saybrook

Richard Selip

Raymond Builders Supply

The Lake House Inn Resort


Friend Members (Under $1,000)

Fargo Machine

Ziegle Heating Co.


Our Members

Our Office Location

35 West Jefferson Street

Jefferson, Ohio 44047

Get in Touch with Growth Partnership

Tel: (440) 576-9126

  • Facebook - White Circle
  • Twitter - GPAshtabula

© 2024 Growth Partnership of Ashtabula County.

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